Hewlett Packard Enterprise 1y PW Nbd w/CDMR HP12518E FC SVC
HPE 5y 4hr Exch HP 10504 Switch Foundation Care Service. Responstijd: 4 uur
HPE 1Y 24x7. Service-uren (hours x days): 24x7, Responstijd: 4 uur
HPE 4y 4hr Exch HP 10508 Switch Foundation Care Service. Responstijd: 4 uur
Hewlett Packard Enterprise 3y Nbd Exch HP 10512 Switch FC SVC. Licentie termijn (jaren): 3 jaar
Hewlett Packard Enterprise 5 year Call To Repair HP 7910 Foundation Care Service
Hewlett Packard Enterprise 5y 4h 24x7 12504 Switch Proact SVC
HPE 3y Nbd CDMR HP 6808 Router pdt FC SVC
SonicWall Comprehensive Anti-Spam Service. Licentie termijn (jaren): 4 jaar, Compatibiliteit: NSSP 11700
Hewlett Packard Enterprise 3y NBD Exch HP S8010F NGFW App FC SVC
Hewlett Packard Enterprise 5 year Call To Repair CDMR HP 7910 Foundation Care Service
Hewlett Packard Enterprise 1y PW 24x7 CDMR 12900 Swt pdt FC SVC
SonicWall Essential Protection Service Suite. Licentie termijn (jaren): 1 jaar, Compatibiliteit: NSSP 11700
HPE 5y 24x7 HP 6802 Router pdt FC SVC
Hewlett Packard Enterprise 4y6hCTRProactCare FF 7904 Switch SVC
Hewlett Packard Enterprise 4y 6hCTRProaCarew/CDMRFF7904Swtch SVC
Hewlett Packard Enterprise 5y CTR 12504 Switches FC SVC
HPE U3JA3E. Service-uren (hours x days): 24x7, Responstijd: 4 uur
Hewlett Packard Enterprise 4y Nbd HP 12900 Swt Products FC SVC
SonicWall Content Filtering Service Premium Business Edition. Licentie termijn (jaren): 3 jaar, Compatibiliteit: NSSP 11700
HPE 3y 4hr Exch HP 12900 Swt pdt FC SVC
HPE 3y CTR HP 6808 Router products FC SVC
HPE 4y CTR 7510 Switch products FC SVC. Licentie termijn (jaren): 4 jaar, Compatibiliteit: HP 7510
SonicWall Standard Support. Licentie termijn (jaren): 5 jaar, Compatibiliteit: NSSP 11700
Hewlett Packard Enterprise 5y Nbd Exch HP 12900 Swt pdt FC SVC. Next Business Day (NBD)
Hewlett Packard Enterprise 4y 6h CTR 12504 Switch Proactive SVC
HPE 3y CTR HP 10504 Switch FC SVC. Licentie termijn (jaren): 3 jaar, Compatibiliteit: HP 10504
HPE 5y 24x7 HP 6804 Router pdt FC SVC
HPE Aruba Networking U1RC5E. Licentie termijn (jaren): 1 jaar, Compatibiliteit: 12518E
Hewlett Packard Enterprise 1y PW 24x7ProactCare HP12518E SVC
HPE 1y PW CTR CDMR HP 10504 Switch Foundation Care Service. Licentie termijn (jaren): 1 jaar, Compatibiliteit: HP 10504
SonicWall Advanced Protection Service Suite. Licentie termijn (jaren): 1 jaar, Compatibiliteit: NSSP 11700
Hewlett Packard Enterprise 5 year 4 hour 24x7 HP 7910 Proactive Care Service
HPE 5y CTR CDMR 6602-G Router pdt FC SVC
SonicWall Gateway Anti-Malware, Intrusion Prevention and Application Control. Licentie termijn (jaren): 3 jaar, Compatibiliteit: NSSP 11700
Hewlett Packard Enterprise 5 year 4 hour 24x7 CDMR HP 7910 Proactive Care Service
HPE Aruba Networking U1QX4E. Next Business Day (NBD)
Hewlett Packard Enterprise 1yPW4h24x7ProaCarew/CDMR 12508E SVC
HPE 5y 24x7 HP 10504 Switch FC SVC. Service-uren (hours x days): 24x7
HPE 4y 24x7 HP 10508 Switch FC SVC. Service-uren (hours x days): 24x7
Hewlett Packard Enterprise 1y PW CTR HP12518E FC SVC
HPE 5y 24x7 HP 6808 Router pdt FC SVC
HPE 3y 24x7 CDMR 6802 Router pdt FC SVC
Hewlett Packard Enterprise 4 year 6 hour 24x7 Call To Repair HP 7910 Proactive Care Service
HPE 4y CTR HP 6802 Router products FC SVC
HPE 5y 4hr Exch HP 10508 Switch FC SVC. Responstijd: 4 uur
Hewlett Packard Enterprise 1y PW CTR w/CDMR HP 12508E FC SVC
Hewlett Packard Enterprise 4 year 6 hour 24x7 Call To Repair CDMR HP 7910 Proactive Care Service
HPE Aruba Networking 3Y NBD. Next Business Day (NBD), Responstijd: 4 uur
HPE 4y CTR CDMR 7510 Swt pdt FC SVC. Licentie termijn (jaren): 4 jaar, Compatibiliteit: HP 7510
HPE 1y PW 24x7 w/CDMR HP 10512 Swt FC SVC
HPE 1y PW CTR CDMR HP 10508 Switch FC SVC. Licentie termijn (jaren): 1 jaar, Compatibiliteit: HP 10508
HPE U1QT3E. Service-uren (hours x days): 24x7
HPE 4y Nbd CDMR HP 6802 Router pdt FC SVC
HPE 3y 24x7 CDMR 6804 Router pdt FC SVC
HPE Aruba Networking U1QU5E. Responstijd: 4 uur
HPE U1RF5E. Next Business Day (NBD)
SonicWall Capture Advanced Threat Protection Service. Licentie termijn (jaren): 4 jaar, Compatibiliteit: NSSP 11700
SonicWall Comprehensive Anti-Spam Service. Licentie termijn (jaren): 5 jaar, Compatibiliteit: NSSP 11700
HPE Aruba Networking U1RF2E. Next Business Day (NBD)
Hewlett Packard Enterprise 5y6hCTRProactCare FF 7904 Switch SVC
Hewlett Packard Enterprise 5y 6hCTRProaCarew/CDMRFF7904Swtch SVC
HPE 4y Nbd CDMR HP 6804 Router pdt FC SVC
HPE 4y CTR HP 6804 Router products FC SVC
HPE 5y CTR 7510 Switch products FC SVC. Licentie termijn (jaren): 5 jaar, Compatibiliteit: HP 7510
Hewlett Packard Enterprise 5y Nbd HP 12900 Swt Products FC SVC
HPE 4y Nbd Exch HP 10512 Switch FC SVC
HPE 3y 24x7 CDMR 6808 Router pdt FC SVC
Hewlett Packard Enterprise 1y PW CTR CDMR 12900 Swt pdt FC SVC